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Table Of Content
1  General
 1.1  Why is Looky called Looky?
 1.2  Motivation
 1.3  The Basic Idea
 1.4  When Is Looky Good For You?
 1.5  When Is Looky Not Good For You?
2  Looky Concepts
 2.1  Consumers and Resources
 2.2  How Does Redirection Work?
 2.3  Pools
  2.3.1  Seed Methods  Order Number, Have, Used and Usage Properties  Seed Method Example
  2.3.2  Consumer Identity and Latency Time
  2.3.3  Shared And Coupled Resources
  2.3.4  Sticky and Queued Distribution Mode
  2.3.5  Frozen and Locked Resources
3  Looky System
 3.1  Looky Components
  3.1.1  looky server
  3.1.2  looky balancer client
  3.1.3  looky controller
  3.1.4  looky probe client
  3.1.5  looky observer
  3.1.6  looky observer client
  3.1.7  looky balancer manager
  3.1.8  looky controller manager
  3.1.9  looky observer manager
  3.1.10  looky configuration editor
 3.2  Set-ups
  3.2.1  Basic Set-up
  3.2.2  Controlled Set-up
  3.2.3  Controlled & Observed Set-up

1  General

1.1  Why is Looky called Looky?

Looky is an abbreviation for nothing. Actually, the name has no specific meaning, no flame, no coffee ...

1.2  Motivation

The idea of the loadbalancer system was born somewhere in 2002, after a heavy debug session of a binary protocol tunneled via HTTP to get an idea how to pass this through a professional HTTP loadbalancer.

While doing this, we discovered, that we actually spend a lot of time and effort to disable the 'balancing' feature of our loadbalancer. This gave us a strange feeling that something was wrong.

Our need to balance an application in between our servers was somehow 'sticky': only the first HTTP request (the one, that starts the user session) has to be balanced to a server. Once this decision was made, all following HTTP requests of the same session have to be routed to the same server (because of some local files written by the application).

With this in our mind, we also discovered, that we actually face about 50,000 balancing decisions per day (we only have to handle the first HTTP request) and not 50,000 balancing decisions per minute (as calculated for the HTTP loadbalancer).

So we've started to hack the first Looky (a single CGI script) on a small Linux box. This was just to test, whether our application will be able to run properly.

As expected, our application works properly and even more expected, the small Linux box was able to cope our balancing needs.

1.3  The Basic Idea

is founded on the following basic ideas:
  • The solution balances users on systems, not HTTP requests on systems.
  • The 'balancing decision' is only done for the initial HTTP request (the one that starts up a user session).
  • Once this is done, the client and the server machine are directly connected.
This ideas are quite easily realized by a simple HTTP redirect (or an embedded frame to hide the real server)

1.4  When Is Looky Good For You?

  • You have a HTML based application that defines a user session.
  • Your client machines are able to address all your server machines.
  • Your application does not always pass a kind of session id in all HTTP requests.
  • Your application is a compound of several vendors with logical interconnected user sessions.
  • You have trust in perl applications.

1.5  When Is Looky Not Good For You?

  • You just have static HTML pages.
  • You don't like to use real server names in the wild.
  • You like to have a 'real' loadbalancer.
  • You have no trust in perl applications.

2  Looky Concepts

2.1  Consumers and Resources


A typical situation how to use is shown in the picture on the left hand side (click on the picture to enlarge).

Looky manages on one side a set of so called resources (namely a set of server machines). Each resource has a so called session quantity: this represents the number of sessions the server machine is able to launch.

On the other side, looky manages requests send from a set of so called consumers. A consumer is a representation of a user, that started an application session.

2.2  How Does Redirection Work?

step one
step one

The system is in between resources and consumers. The initial request (step 1) of a consumer is passed to the Looky system.

If there is a resource available for the consumer, the Looky system calculates a redirect URL to a server (hosting this resource) and passes this URL back to the consumer (step 2a).

step two
step two

If there is no resource available for the consumer, the Looky system will send a redirect to a static HTML page, indicating the problem to the user (step 2b).

step three
step three

Once the consumer got the redirect request, the consumer will contact (step 3) either the server hosting the resource (as a result of step 2a) or the consumer will contact a specific server (that might also be the HTTP server hosting the Looky System) to get a page indicating a lack of resources (step 2b)

2.3  Pools

The system organizes its resources in so called pools. Each pool has a unique name and holds a set of resources with assigned session quantities.

Consumers address a pool of the looky system to require a resource. The name of the pool is given within the initial HTTP request (step 1) to the looky server.
NB: Looky namely the looky balancer client) is part of the Apache server. So you have a lot of ACLs to control access to the pools.

pool example
pool example

Example: (see picture on the right hand side)

Consider we have 2 pools admin and sales. Pool 'admin' provides two resources: Server with a quantity of 50 sessions and Server with a quantity of 200 sessions. Within pool 'admin', looky will be able to balance 200 + 50 = 250 sessions.

Pool 'sales' has three resources: server with 100, server with 200 and server with 150 available sessions. Here looky will be able to balance 450 consumer sessions.

As you can see in this example, a resource may be located in several pools. This is special and will be explained in section [2.3.3].

2.3.1  Seed Methods

If a consumer requires a session from a pool with more than one resource, has to make a decision, which resource should be assigned to the consumer.

In case the consumer is unknown to Looky (see section [2.3.2)] about 'consumer identity') looky uses a pool property called 'seed method' to determine a resource for this consumer. Currently (1.0.7) there are four seed methods available:

serial With this seed method Looky fills each resource one by one.

Only if a resource is completely assigned to consumers, looky continues with the next resource.
parallel The seed method parallel is a simple round robin seed.
minimal Using seed method 'minimal' looky chooses the resource with the smallest number of consumers.
weighted Using seed method 'weighted' looky chooses the resource with the lowest percentage of usage.  Order Number, Have, Used and Usage Properties
To realize this seed methods, maintains five properties for each resource of a pool (not for each resource(!)):
  • an order number: all resources are ordered in a list. The position in this list is equal to the order number. The order number is used by the seed methods serial and parallel:

    • the seed method serial starts to fill the resource with order number 1. If this resource is completely consumed, the seed method continues on the resource with order number 2 etc.
    • the seed method parallel uses the order number to define a round robin cycle.

  • a have value: this value is by default equal to the quantity of allowed sessions on the resource. The 'have' value determines the number of sessions provided by the resource.

    The difference between the 'quantity' and the 'have' value is, that the 'quantity' value is fixed, the 'have' value may be changed by the load balancing process (namely by looky controller)

  • a used value: The 'used' value is the number of consumers, that are currently assigned to this resource. The 'used' value is consulted by seed method 'minimal': the resource with the lowest used value (and lowest order number in case of equality) is assigned next.

    To make this more precise: the 'used' value is actually a mixture of Looky's view on assigned consumers and the number of current sessions. Please read more about this in section [3.1].

  • a usage value: The 'usage' value is computed using the 'used' and the 'have' value with the following formula:
    (used * 100) / have
    The 'usage' value depicts the relative usage of the resource in percent.

    The 'usage' value is used by the seed method 'weighted' to choose the next resource: the resource with the lowest usage is assigned to the next consumer.

  • current resource The 'current resource' is just a simple pointer to highlight a specific resource (more precisely, its order number). The 'current resource' value is used by seed methods 'serial' and 'parallel':

    • for serial seeds the 'current resource' is the resource, that is currently filled by Looky. Once this resource is completely consumed, Looky will move 'current resource' to the (as seen by order number) next resource.
    • for parallel seeds the 'current resource' is that resource, that will be assigned to the next consumer. Once this has happened, the 'current resource' is set (as seen by order number) to the next resource.  Seed Method Example

seed method example
seed method example

Example: (see picture on the left)

Consider to have a pool with three resources. Resource with order number 1, has a 'have' value of 200 and a 'used' value of 100. Resource (order number 2) has also a 'have' of 200, but its 'used' value is currently by '150'. Finally we have a third resource,, with a 'have' of 150 and a 'used' of 50.

Using this values, the 'usage' value is as follows: resource = 50%, resource = 75% and resource 33,3%. The 'current resource' is resource

seed method serial
seed method serial

With a 'serial' seed method, Looky will assign next 100 consumers to resource, then 50 consumers to resource and at last another 100 consumers to resource

seed method parallel
seed method parallel

With a 'parallel' seed method, Looky will assign next 150 consumers round robin to resources, and After this, resource is completely consumed, so Looky will distribute the next 100 consumers round robin to resource and

seed method minimal
seed method minimal

With a 'minimal' seed method, Looky will first assign 50 consumers to resource After this the next 100 consumers are distributed round robin between and Finally the last 100 consumers are distributed round robin between and

seed method weighted
seed method weighted

With a 'weighted' seed method, Looky will first assign 25 consumers to resource (until has a 'usage' of 50,0%) The next 88 consumers will be assigned weighted (200:150) to resources and (until both have a 'usage' of 75%). Finally the last 137 consumers are distributed weighted (200:200:150) between resources, and

2.3.2  Consumer Identity and Latency Time

assigns resources exclusive to a consumer. To do this, the looky system expects by default, that a consumer sends a unique name, when asking for a resource in a pool.

Looky first checks, if a resource was already assigned to this consumer. If that has happened, the same resource is again assigned to the consumer (without wasting another resource).

This decision is not done for ever. For each assigned or reassigned resource the looky system maintains a time point, when the resource was handed over to the consumer. The resource is reserved for this customer only for the period of time that is given by a pool property named 'latency time'. If this period of time has elapsed, the resource is freed by the looky system and may be distributed again.

However, this methods does not fit all needs:
  • The heuristic approach of a session length may cause some problems: e.g. you cannot find any good latency time because the length of the user sessions do vary very much and there are some limited resources, which cannot be used as long as the given latency time defines).

    In this case, you have to use a looky component called 'looky controller' that will pass back the number of active sessions to the 'looky balancer'.

    Please read section [Looky Components] to get more information about this.

  • Not in all cases a consumer has a unique name or maybe you do not what to make consumers sticky to a specific machine.

    In this case, the looky system has a pseudo consumer name (namely a single dash '-') that is always unique. If consumers pass this pseudo name, looky will treat all requests as 'unique' consumers.

2.3.3  Shared And Coupled Resources

As already mentioned earlier, a resource may be assigned to different pools. If that happens, the system offers two approaches to cope the distribution problem of this resource.

  • shared resource: If a resource is shared between pools, each pool has an own set of properties 'quantity', 'used' and 'have' for the resource.

    As a result of this, you are able to control exactly how many of the resource's power is balanced between the pools.

    shared resource
    shared resource

    Consider the following example (see picture on the left): A resource is 'shared' between pool 'admin' and pool 'sales'. In pool 'admin', the resource has a quantity of 50, in pool 'sales' the resource has a quantity of 150.

    In this example looky is able to assign a max. of 150 sessions to consumers that require a resource in pool 'sales'. There currently 90 sessions, so there are 60 sessions left in this pool.

    If this 60 sessions are consumed in future, looky is not able to assign more consumers to this resource, even if the quantity of the same resource located in pool 'admin' is not completely consumed.

    NB: the example is actually not complete; the looky system has a slightly different behaviour if you use the 'looky controller' component: If no sessions are available on a specific pool but the machine has a low load, the controller may enlarge the number of sessions (actually the 'have' value of the shared resource in a pool) to run more sessions in that pool on the same resource.

  • coupled resource If a resource is coupled, looky maintains only one 'quantity' and one 'have' property for both pools. Only the 'used' property is realized per pool.

    As a result of this, the 'coupled' resource may be consumed in any pool, where this resource is located.

    coupled resource
    coupled resource

    Consider the following example (see picture on the left): A resource is 'coupled' between pool 'admin' and pool 'sales'. There is a coupled quantity of 200 sessions for both pools.

    This quantity may be consumed either from consumers asking for pool 'admin' or asking for pool 'sales'. In our example we have 90 sessions running in pool 'sales' and 35 sessions in pool 'admin'.

    So there are 200 - 90 - 35 = 75 sessions left. This 75 sessions may be either assigned to consumers asking for pool 'sales' or consumers asking for pool 'admin' or any mixture of this.

    NB: the example is actually not complete: the looky system has a slightly different behaviour if you use the 'looky controller' component: If no sessions are available on a specific pool but at least one machine in the pools resources has a low load, the controller may enlarge the number of sessions (actually the 'have' value of the coupled resource) to run more sessions on the same resource.

2.3.4  Sticky and Queued Distribution Mode

If all resources are consumed in a pool, the system must make a decision, if another unknown consumer asks for a resource in that pool.

This decision is controlled by the pools property 'distribution mode'. There are two general behaviours:
  • sticky mode If the distribution mode is set to 'sticky', the consumer will get no resource from the looky system (step 2b in section [2.2])

    If that happens, the consumer gets a redirection to a static HTML page indicating the problem: The consumer has to wait until a resource is freed (by latency time or by looky controller)

  • queued mode If the distribution mode is set to 'queued', looky system will automatically free the 'oldest' assigned resource and will reassign the consumer.

    In this mode, all consumers will always get a resource from a pool.
    NB: the example is actually not complete: if all resources of a pool with a 'queued' distribution mode are frozen or locked, a new consumer will not get any resource from this pool. The consumer is also redirected to the static 'no-resource' HTML page.

2.3.5  Frozen and Locked Resources

Finally there are two boolean properties left, that might be set to a resource resp. to a resource in a pool.

If an administrator likes to remove a resource temporarily from a pool, he might 'freeze' this resource. If a resource is frozen in a pool, the resource is not recognized by the seed methods for polls.

If a resource (or more precisely, the node hosting this resource) is down, the resource may be locked by looky controller. The lock is applied on a resource and influences the seed methods of all those pools hosting this resource. The lock is automatically removed by looky controller (see section 3.1.3) if the node is available again.

If all resources of a pool are either frozen or locked, no consumer will get any resource (even if looky has already assigned the resource to a known consumer)

3  Looky System

3.1  Looky Components

The system consists of the following components.
Not all of these components are currently implemented. Please have a brief look into the [releases]s.


3.1.1  looky server

The looky server is the heart of the looky system. It's a single threaded perl daemon running a simple TCP protocol on port 4040.

The looky server is contacted by the following looky components:
  • looky balancer client: to acquire a resource
  • looky controller: to increase/decrease/lock/free resources based on usage/load probes
  • looky balancer manager: to manage the balancer

3.1.2  looky balancer client

The looky balancer client (or even more short, the 'looky client') is a tool that is embedded in a HTTP server.

Currently two kinds of looky balancer clients exists:
  • a 'CGI' client, to be embedded in e.g. a Apache server and
  • a 'SQUID' client to be embedded in a Squid server.

3.1.3  looky controller

The looky controller is the 'real' load balancer. Although you may distribute user session with just a combination of looky server and looky balancer client, you have no chance to recognize 'load'. The looky controller is a single threaded perl daemon running a simple TCP protocol on port 4041.

If you add the looky controller to your system, the looky server is mastered by the looky controller. In mastered mode, the looky server expects to get 'real' data from the looky controller about existing user sessions and current load on the resource nodes.

The looky controller realizes a complex strategy to balance 'load' with 'sessions'. Have a look into controlling to get more about this.

The looky controller is contacted by the following looky components:
  • looky probe client: to deliver probes about load and number of user sessions (push mode)
  • looky observer: same as looky probe client, but using poll mode

3.1.4  looky probe client

The looky probe client is just a simple shell tool that may be launched by 'wise' tools to pass current load and current number of processes back to looky controller.

The probe client protects you from connecting directly to the looky controller. Actually your application would be faster, if you do so. :-)

3.1.5  looky observer

The looky observer is a single threaded perl daemon running a simple TCP protocol on port 4043.

The server is intended to poll nodes hosting resources, if they are available or not and to collect usage and load data from this nodes. If you like to use the looky observer process, you have to install a looky observer client on each node that is controlled by the looky observer.

Information collected by locky observer are passed to looky controller in the same way a looky probe client would pass the data.

3.1.6  looky observer client

The looky observer client is simple CGI client to be embedded into an Apache Web server on each node, that is consulted by looky observer.

The looky observer client collects information about current system usage (directly from Apache) and sends this back to the looky observer.

3.1.7  looky balancer manager

The looky balancer manager is a web based administration tool to control the looky server in real time.

Please find here: [Example LBM] an inactive demonstration of this tool on this web side:

3.1.8  looky controller manager

The looky controller manager is a web based administration tool to manage the looky controller in real time.

Please find here: [Example LCM] an inactive demonstration of this tool on this web side:

3.1.9  looky observer manager

The looky observer manager is a web based administration tool to manage the looky observer in real time.

3.1.10  looky configuration editor

The looky configuration editor is a web based administration tool to edit the central looky configuration file.

3.2  Set-ups

The following three sections provide some information about how a looky system could be build with available components. All manager components are not displayed; if you find a specific server in one of the systems, you probably also need the manager tools.

3.2.1  Basic Set-up

basic setup
basic setup

A basic set-up of a looky system consists of a looky balancer client (LBC) and a central looky server (LS).

This system is ok for the following situations:
  • the number of consumers or the number of resources are high.
  • you are able to identify a consumer by a unique name and have enough resources for all consumers.
  • the length of your session is very short.

In all this situations you actually have no need for a real loadbalancer: you have a need for a dynamic user management.

This is perfectly done by the basic set-up.

setup with controller
setup with controller

3.2.2  Controlled Set-up

If you have a need for a real loadbalancing or if you just want to be more exactly, when a resource is actually freed, you have a need for a looky controller.

If you add a looky controller to your looky system, you provide the ability of a kind of feedback to the looky system. The feedback is done by some looky probe clients, which are installed on each node, hosting resource.

The looky probe clients check regularly the current load or just the number of sessions (this is actually implemented by you). This imformation is passed to the looky controller. The looky controller collects all data sent by probe clients and does load balancing on the looky server:
  • the current number of sessions is passed to the looky server to reduce the 'used' values of resources (so looky gets aware if a session has been terminated)
  • the load is used to increase or decrease the 'have' value of resources: this will protect nodes from stress load or idle times.

3.2.3  Controlled & Observed Set-up

setup with observer
setup with observer

The last 'observed set-up' adds an other server process to the looky set-up. This observer process changes the 'push' mode as realized by the controlled set-up into a 'poll' mode.

With this change, the looky system will be able to detect a loss of service.